In the beginning

This journey began in the early 90's. I became a grandparent in July of that year and the drive to find out more information about my ancestors was even stronger. I’ve uncovered some amazing people in my tree. So, you would think that after 23 years, what more is there? My husband, who does not share the enthusiasm that I do for researching the always asking, “Haven't you found everybody by now?” or “There can't be anyone left to find.” He is so wrong! As a child and young adult I had always wondered how my families came to be in Louisiana. Who were they and where had they come from. It was 1993 when I walked into the Shreve Memorial Library for the very first time. With very little to go on, I began my search. It was before the age of the internet. Research was tedious and slow. I remember going to the section of books for Louisiana, looking for the books on the parish I was raised in. Then I went through those books looking for common names that I recog...